Alexis Elbaz, MD, PhD 17 Jahre Erfahrung

Alexis Elbaz, neu­ro­lo­gist and epi­de­mio­lo­gist, holds a rese­arch direc­tor posi­ti­on at Inserm whe­re he works sin­ce 2001. He obtai­ned the Aut­ho­riza­ti­on to direct rese­arch and tutor PhD stu­dents (Habi­li­ta­ti­on à diri­ger des recher­ches) in 2007.

His rese­arch focu­ses on the age­ing of the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem, through (1) stu­dies on risk fac­tors and con­se­quen­ces of decli­ne in motor func­tion and disa­bi­li­ty in older adults, (2) rese­arch on risk fac­tors (envi­ron­men­tal, gene­tic sus­cep­ti­bi­li­ty) and pro­gno­sis of Parkinson’s dise­a­se and other neu­ro­de­ge­nera­ti­ve dis­or­ders such as amyo­tro­phic late­ral scle­ro­sis. He is the sci­en­ti­fic advi­sor of the sur­veil­lan­ce pro­gram of neu­ro­de­ge­nera­ti­ve dise­a­ses at the French natio­nal insti­tu­te for health sur­veil­lan­ce (San­té publi­que France) and a co-inves­ti­ga­tor of the inter­na­tio­nal con­sor­ti­um Geo-PD (Gene­tic epi­de­mio­lo­gy of Parkinson’s dise­a­se). He has published in inter­na­tio­nal jour­nals over 150 sci­en­ti­fic papers, more than 50% as first or last author.

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