Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Kühn 26 Jahre Erfahrung

Movement Disorders

We offer pati­ents with move­ment dis­or­ders indi­vi­du­al and spe­cia­li­zed tre­at­ment on our wards with a focus on move­ment dis­or­ders, from the initi­al dia­gno­sis to tre­at­ment in the advan­ced stages of the disease.

We treat the following diseases, among others: 

  • Parkinson’s dise­a­se
  • Aty­pi­cal par­kin­so­ni­an syn­dro­mes (mul­ti­ple sys­tem atro­phy, PSP, CBD, DLB)
  • Dys­to­ni­as
  • Tre­mor Disorders
  • Rare move­ment dis­or­ders (meta­bo­lic and gene­tic move­ment disorders)

We offer our patients the following services: 

  • Dia­gno­sis and dif­fe­ren­ti­al dia­gno­sis of move­ment dis­or­ders, spe­cia­li­zing in rare dise­a­ses in move­ment disorders
  • High-qua­li­ty addi­tio­nal dia­gno­stics (inclu­ding MRI, PET, SPECT, CSF dia­gno­stics, skin bio­psy, tre­mor and move­ment ana­ly­sis, ultra­sound, neu­ro­psy­cho­lo­gy, gene­tic dia­gno­stics, sleep laboratory)
  • The­ra­py escala­ti­on in M. Par­kin­son with indi­ca­ti­on for deep brain sti­mu­la­ti­on (Cam­pus, Cha­ri­té Mit­te), Duod­o­pa pump and apo­mor­phi­ne pump therapy
  • After­ca­re and fine-tuning of deep brain sti­mu­la­ti­on (Cam­pus Cha­ri­té Mit­te) and pump systems
  • Fine adjus­t­ment of the medication/Parkinson com­plex treatment
  • Out­pa­ti­ent botu­li­num toxin the­ra­py for dys­to­nia and spasticity
  • High obser­va­ti­on and tre­at­ment intensity
  • A spe­cia­li­zed, expe­ri­en­ced and huma­nely com­pe­tent team
  • Regu­lar lec­tures and trai­ning cour­ses, also for patients
  • Good net­wor­king with resi­dent and cli­ni­cal prac­ti­tio­ners and the­ra­pists in the sur­roun­ding area
  • Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in mul­ti-cent­re stu­dies in the fields of phar­ma­co­the­ra­py and deep brain stimulation

Inpa­ti­ent admis­si­on can be arran­ged by resi­dent neu­ro­lo­gists with the help of our pati­ent form.

The­re is a sepa­ra­te pati­ent form that can be used to refer pati­ents to the move­ment dis­or­ders con­sul­ta­ti­on.

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