Table tennis table from above, with two players, on a sealed surface, with a building and a lawn.

With table tennis against Parkinson

Parkinson’s not only inhi­bits move­ment but also cau­ses a with­dra­wal from the public eye, along with psy­cho­lo­gi­cal stress such as depression. 

The posi­ti­ve influence of table ten­nis on the well-being of Parkinson’s pati­ents has been sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly pro­ven. This not only trains coor­di­na­ti­on, mobi­li­ty, reac­tion, balan­ce and a sta­ble stance. The social encoun­ters with like-min­ded peo­p­le com­bi­ne health and lei­su­re time.

A low-inju­ry sport, table ten­nis offers access to fun, socia­li­zing and who­le­so­me phy­si­cal exer­cise for all ages.

Many clubs in Ger­ma­ny alre­a­dy offer spe­cial trai­ning pro­grams for Parkinson’s pati­ents. In 2019, the first world cham­pi­on­ships in table ten­nis, espe­ci­al­ly for peo­p­le with Parkinson’s dise­a­se, took place in Plea­sant­ville, New York.


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