Prof. Dr. Daniela Berg 30 Jahre Erfahrung

Dear pati­ents,
dear col­le­agues,
dear visi­tors,
dear Stu­dents,

We are plea­sed that you are inte­res­ted in our cli­nic, which, as one of the lar­gest neu­ro­lo­gi­cal cli­nics in nor­t­hern Ger­ma­ny, is available to you with the best pos­si­ble tre­at­ment and a high level of exper­ti­se in rese­arch and teaching.

Our tre­at­ment, which is based on the latest stan­dards of care and the latest results of cli­ni­cal and basic rese­arch, covers the enti­re spec­trum of neu­ro­lo­gi­cal dise­a­ses with natio­nal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed exper­ti­se in the are­as of move­ment dis­or­ders, demen­tia, pain, stroke/vascular dise­a­ses, epi­le­psy, neu­ro­im­mu­no­lo­gy and neu­ro­ger­ia­trics. In addi­ti­on, the trai­ning of stu­dents and doc­tors as well as the con­stant rese­arch into ever bet­ter dia­gno­stic and the­ra­peu­tic opti­ons are very important to us.

We cor­di­al­ly invi­te you to get to know our cli­nic on the fol­lo­wing pages and during a per­so­nal visit to the Neu­ro Cen­ter on the pre­mi­ses of the Schles­wig-Hol­stein Uni­ver­si­ty Cli­nic in Kiel.

We look for­ward to being able to assist you with our exper­ti­se and care.

Best regards, Prof. Dr. Danie­la Berg

Kli­nik für Neurologie

direc­tor of the clinic

Chair­man and head of the Depart­ment of Neu­ro­lo­gy
Uni­ver­si­ty Cli­nic of Schles­wig-Hol­stein,
Cam­pus Kiel Arnold-Hel­ler-Stra­ße 3,
Haus 41
24105 Kiel
Tel.: 0431/597 8500
Fax: 0431/597 8502

Medical qualifications

  • Sta­te exami­na­ti­on in Medi­ci­ne, Würz­burg 1994
  • Board-exami­ned neurologist
  • Trai­ning aut­ho­riza­ti­on for neurology

Areas of clinical Expertise

  • Dia­gno­sis and the­ra­py of Parkinson’s disease
  • Ear­ly dia­gno­sis of Parkinson’s dise­a­se and dementia
  • Move­ment disorders
  • Stro­ke
  • Gene­ral Neurology
  • Neu­ro-Reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on

Academic Qualifications

  • The­sis, Würz­burg, 1996
  • Post Doc in Gene­tics, Tübin­gen 2002–2003
  • Habi­li­ta­ti­on for Neu­ro­lo­gy, Tübin­gen, 2004
  • Asso­cia­te Pro­fes­sor for Neu­ro­lo­gy, Tübin­gen 2007
  • Full Pro­fes­sor for Neu­ro­lo­gy, Chris­ti­an-Albrechts-Uni­ver­si­ty of Kiel,2016

Research Interests

  • Ear­ly dia­gno­sis of Parkinson’s dise­a­se and Dementia
  • Bio­mar­ker for ear­ly dia­gno­sis and pro­gres­si­on of neu­ro­de­ge­nera­ti­ve diseases
  • Cli­ni­cal stu­dies, indi­vi­dua­li­zed therapy
  • B‑mode sono­gra­phy of the brain
  • Lear­ning – pla­s­ti­ci­ty of the brain


  • Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für Neu­ro­lo­gie (DGN), Deut­sche Par­kin­son Gesell­schaft, Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für Ultra­schall in der Medi­zin (DEGUM), Deut­sche Gesell­schaft für Neu­ro­ge­ne­tik (DGNG), Move­ment Dis­or­der Socie­ty (MDS), Neu­ro­to­xi­ci­ty Socie­ty, Euro­pean Socie­ty of Neu­ro­so­no­lo­gy and Cere­bral Hemo­dy­na­mics (ESNCH)

Activities in research Societies

  • Edi­to­ri­al board mem­ber of seve­ral natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal journals
  • Review­er of num­e­rous natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal rese­arch fun­ding programs
  • Review­er for > 30 sci­en­ti­fic journals
  • Board mem­ber of the Ger­man Socie­ty for Parkinson’s dise­a­se sin­ce 2011 (Pre­si­dent 2013–2015)
  • Board mem­ber of the Inter­na­tio­nal Exe­cu­ti­ve Com­mit­tee of the Move­ments Dis­or­ders Socie­ty sin­ce 2015
  • Board mem­ber of Parkinson’s UK Rese­arch Stra­tegy Board sin­ce 2014
  • Chair of the Task Force “Defi­ni­ti­on of Parkinson’s Dise­a­se” of the Move­ment Dis­or­der Socie­ty 2011 – 2015
  • Board mem­ber of Sci­en­ti­fic advi­so­ry board of the Ger­man Par­kin­son Asso­cia­ti­on sin­ce 2010
  • Board mem­ber of the exe­cu­ti­ve com­mit­tee for the “S3-Leit­li­ni­en” for Parkinson’s disease


  • Par­kin­son-Award of the Ger­man Socie­ty for Neu­ro­lo­gy (DGN), 1999
  • Dis­ser­ta­ti­on award of the “Unter­frän­ki­schen Gedenk­jahrs­tif­tung“ for Sci­ence, 2002
  • Parkinson’s Rese­arch Award of the Hil­de-Ulrichs-Foun­da­ti­on (Gene­tics of iron meta­bo­lism), 2004
  • Din­ge­bau­er-Award of the Ger­man Socie­ty for Neu­ro­lo­gy (DGN), 2014
  • Best Review Award der Move­ment Dis­or­ders Socie­ty, 2015


  • BMBF, Euro­pean Uni­on, Micha­el-Fox Foun­da­ti­on, pri­va­te foun­da­ti­ons, Rese­arch coope­ra­ti­ons with the industry,
  • head of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal cli­ni­cal studies

Ten selected Publications

  • Berg D, Pos­tu­ma RB, Adler CH, Blo­em BR, Chan P, Dubo­is B, Gas­ser T, Goetz CG, Hall­i­day G, Joseph L, Lang AE, Lie­pelt-Scar­fo­ne I, Lit­van I, Marek K, Obe­so J, Oer­tel W, Ola­now CW, Poe­we W, Stern M, Deuschl G. MDS rese­arch cri­te­ria for pro­dro­mal Parkinson’s dise­a­se. Mov Dis­ord. 2015 Oct;30(12):1600–11
  • Pos­tu­ma RB, Berg D, Stern M, Poe­we W, Ola­now CW, Oer­tel W, Obe­so J, Marek K, Lit­van I, Lang AE, Hall­i­day G, Goetz CG, Gas­ser T, Dubo­is B, Chan P, Blo­em BR, Adler CH, Deuschl G. MDS cli­ni­cal dia­gno­stic cri­te­ria for Parkinson’s dise­a­se. Mov Dis­ord. 2015 Oct;30(12):1591–601
  • Maetz­ler W, Pilot­to A, Apel A, Deusch­le C, Kue­bart G, Hein­zel S, Lie­pelt-Scar­fo­ne I, Schul­te C, Reusch D, Schlei­cher E, Roth­fuss O, Schnei­der A, Dodel R, Gas­ser T, Berg D. In vivo mar­kers of Parkinson’s dise­a­se and demen­tia with Lewy bodies: cur­rent value of the 5G4 α‑synuclein anti­bo­dy. Acta Neu­ro­pa­thol. 2014 Dec;128(6):893–5
  • Rein­hardt P, Schmid B, Bur­bulla LF, Schön­dorf DC, Wag­ner L, Glatza M, Höing S, Har­gus G, Heck SA, Dhin­gra A, Wu G, Mül­ler S, Brock­mann K, Kluba T, Mais­el M, Krü­ger R, Berg D, Tsyt­sy­ura Y, Thiel CS, Psat­ha­ki OE, Klingauf J, Kuhl­mann T, Kle­win M, Mül­ler H, Gas­ser T, Schö­ler HR, Sterne­ckert J.Genetic Cor­rec­tion of a LRRK2 Muta­ti­on in Human iPSCs Links Par­kin­so­ni­an Neu­ro­de­ge­nera­ti­on to ERK-Depen­dent Chan­ges in Gene Expres­si­on. Cell Stem Cell. 2013 Mar 7;12(3):354–67
  • Berg D, Behn­ke S, Sep­pi K, Godau J, Ler­che S, Mahl­knecht P, Lie­pelt-Scar­fo­ne I, Pausch C, Schnei­der N, Gaens­len A, Brock­mann K, Sru­li­jes K, Huber H, Wurs­ter I, Stock­ner H, Kiechl S, Wil­leit J, Gas­pe­ri A, Fass­ben­der K, Gas­ser T, Poe­we W. Enlar­ged hyperecho­ge­nic sub­stan­tia nigra as a risk mar­ker for Parkinson’s dise­a­se. Mov Dis­ord. 2013 Feb;28(2):216–9
  • Sathe K, Maetz­ler W, Lang JD, Moun­sey RB, Fle­cken­stein C, Mar­tin HL, Schul­te C, Mus­ta­fa S, Syn­of­zik M, Vuko­vic Z, Itoh­a­ra S, Berg D, Teis­mann P. S100B is increased in Parkinson’s dise­a­se and abla­ti­on pro­tects against MPTP-indu­ced toxi­ci­ty through the RAGE and TNF‑α pathway. Brain. 2012 Nov;135(Pt 11):3336–47
  • Brock­mann K, Hil­ker R, Pila­tus U, Bau­dre­xel S, Sru­li­jes K, Magerk­urth J, Hau­ser AK, Schul­te C, Cso­ti I, Mer­ten CD, Gas­ser T, Berg D, Hat­tin­gen E. GBA-asso­cia­ted PD: Neu­ro­de­ge­nera­ti­on, alte­red mem­bra­ne meta­bo­lism, and lack of ener­gy fail­ure. Neu­ro­lo­gy. 2012 Jul 17;79(3):213–20.
  • Berg D, Sep­pi K, Behn­ke S, et al. Enlar­ged Sub­stan­tia Nigra Hyperecho­ge­ni­ci­ty and Risk for Par­kin­son Dise­a­se. A 37-Month 3‑Center Stu­dy of 1847 Older Per­sons. Arch Neu­rol. 2011 Jul;68(7):932–7
  • Berg D, Weis­haupt A, Fran­cis MJ, Miura N, Yang XL, Goo­dy­er I, Nau­mann M, Kolt­zen­burg M, Rei­ners K, Becker G.Changes of Cop­per Trans­port­ing Pro­te­ins and Cerul­oplas­min in the Len­ti­form Nuclei in Pri­ma­ry Adult-Onset Dys­to­nia. Ann Neu­rol. 2000;47:827–30.
  • Berg D, Becker G, Zei­ler B, Tucha O, Hof­mann E, Prei­er M, Benz P, Jost W, Rei­ners K, Lan­ge KW. Vul­nerabi­li­ty of the nigrostria­tal sys­tem as detec­ted by tran­s­cra­ni­al ultra­sound. Neu­ro­lo­gy. 1999;53:1026–31.

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