Two laptops, papers and people holding pens at a table with only their hands visible.

Advice on practice succession and sale

Are you looking for a successor for your practice or would you like to take over an existing practice? 

Recei­ve pro­fes­sio­nal advice and sup­port in the search for inte­res­ted par­ties or prac­ti­ces, as well as expe­ri­en­ced sup­port in nego­tia­ti­ons, design and handover.

Take advan­ta­ge of exten­si­ve cont­acts and many years of expe­ri­ence for respon­si­ble and suc­cessful sup­port when han­ding over the prac­ti­ce and patients.

Shape the future now

Crea­te space for yours­elf and smooth­ly imple­ment a fast prac­ti­ce succession:

mhc — mar­kus höfels con­sul­ting
Pho­ne.: +49 (0)30 6650 8230

PO Box 420231
12062 Ber­lin

Visit the momen­tum group website

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